Wynsors Customer Service: Phone, Email, Contacts.

Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Joanne Botham
City where company is located (optional): Whittington Moore , Chesterfield S41 8JT

Was in store this morning 24/07/23 @ 9.31 AM Wynsors Whittington Moore Sheffield Road Chesterfield S41 8JT .

Extremely poor Customer Service . 0/10 no excuses Customer Service standards are paramount for the growth of your business. Total failure today if I was the Mystery Shopper ! Beyond poor standards of service .

No hallo or eye contact when you enter your store .
Thought ok, so this is poor customer service so I will say hallo , I was then ignored by a Debra B and the young lady with dark hair , looks like a trainee.

I then proceeded to buy my product hoping for a more welcoming approach from a Debra B , her name on my reciept ( Reciept ID 06000200208883) but NO she huffed that she had to serve me and put down her shoe cleaners she was sorting , displaying a customer is an inconvenience to the store .

No hallo and thank you for shopping at wynsors, see you soon or bye have a good rest of the day. Just as very unprofessional unapproachable, cold as ice service .

Disgraceful service which will affect footfall in the store with the unwelcoming attitude of this and the trainee also .

Customer remember below standard service and it affects growth and profit of the company .

Phone number: 01706 871 910

Email: help@wynsors.com

Head Office address: Newchurch Rd, Bacup OL13 0BL, United Kingdom

Wynsors complaints number & email

Last updated on January 29th, 2024

How to make a Complaint to Wynsors

You should call Wynsors complaints line in the first instance on 01706 871 910. If this does not resolve matters, then further steps can be taken. Further information is on the website along with details of alternative contact options such as contact form, email and social media.

Wynsors complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number : 01706 871 910

The Complaint via Email : help@wynsors.com

Complaint via  Support Form : Wynsors Support Form

Wynsors complaint website : wynsors.com

Tweet: Wynsors_Shoes

Corporate Head Office address

Newchurch Rd, Bacup OL13 0BL, United Kingdom.

Also Read: M&S Bank complaints email & Phone number

Wynsors Business Hours

Monday: 10am – 5pm
Tuesday: 10am – 5pm
Wednesday: 10am – 5pm
Thursday: 10am – 5pm
Friday: 10am – 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

About Wynsors

Wynsors was established in 1956 and has grown from a handful of small high street stores to a leading UK family footwear retailer. Wynsors, comprising a chain of over 45 shoe stores in England.

Products & Services


Also Read: RateSetter complaints email & Phone number

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Wynsors Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Wynsors , or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Wynsors directly. You can find complaint contact details for Wynsors above.

People Also Ask

Q: Where is Wynsors head office Address?
A: Newchurch Rd, Bacup OL13 0BL, United Kingdom.

Q: Who is the CEO of Wynsors Company?
A: Mark Richardson was CEO of Wynsors Company.

Q: What are Wynsors Business Hours?
A: Monday – Friday 10am to 5pm and Saturday & Sunday was Closed.

Q: What is the Email of Wynsors Company?
A: Email: help@wynsors.com.


Wynsors Customer Complaints

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Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Joanne Botham
City where company is located (optional): Whittington Moore , Chesterfield S41 8JT

Was in store this morning 24/07/23 @ 9.31 AM Wynsors Whittington Moore Sheffield Road Chesterfield S41 8JT .

Extremely poor Customer Service . 0/10 no excuses Customer Service standards are paramount for the growth of your business. Total failure today if I was the Mystery Shopper ! Beyond poor standards of service .

No hallo or eye contact when you enter your store .
Thought ok, so this is poor customer service so I will say hallo , I was then ignored by a Debra B and the young lady with dark hair , looks like a trainee.

I then proceeded to buy my product hoping for a more welcoming approach from a Debra B , her name on my reciept ( Reciept ID 06000200208883) but NO she huffed that she had to serve me and put down her shoe cleaners she was sorting , displaying a customer is an inconvenience to the store .

No hallo and thank you for shopping at wynsors, see you soon or bye have a good rest of the day. Just as very unprofessional unapproachable, cold as ice service .

Disgraceful service which will affect footfall in the store with the unwelcoming attitude of this and the trainee also .

Customer remember below standard service and it affects growth and profit of the company .

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