Allclear Travel Customer Service: Phone, Email, Contacts.

Allclear Travel
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Chester Russell

Excellent experience for a person with underlying medical issues. The phone guy was knowledgeable and kind. Excellent work! The pricing was also fair, and I received my policy documentation along with a pamphlet in a few days that included detailed information. Why aren't all businesses these days like this? Five stars!

 by Otis Richards

Outstanding value for the money! Considering his medical issues, I am very understanding of my husband's requirements. I was really pleased with my quote—much less expensive than my regular insurance. I'd strongly advise getting a quote for everyone. especially considering that all quotes are discounted by 20%. Excellent work, all clear!

Phone number: 01708 339026


Head Office address: Redwing Court, AllClear House 1, Ashton Rd, Romford RM3 8QQ, United Kingdom

Allclear Travel complaints number & email

Last updated on February 3rd, 2024

How to make a Complaint to Allclear Travel

Call the Allclear Travel Insurance on their complaint number in the first instance on 01708 339026. If this does not resolve the problem for you, then you should write to the Allclear Travel via the online form on their website or by correspondence and undergo their complaints handling process.

Allclear Travel complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number : 01708 339026 

The Complaint via Email :

Complaint via  Support Form : Allclear Travel Support Form

Allclear Travel complaint website :

Tweet: AllClearTravel

Corporate Head Office address

Redwing Court, AllClear House 1, Ashton Rd, Romford RM3 8QQ, United Kingdom

Also Read: River Island complaints email & Phone number

Allclear Travel Business Hours

Monday: 8.30am – 8pm
Tuesday: 8.30am – 8pm
Wednesday: 8.30am – 8pm
Thursday: 8.30am – 8pm
Friday: 8.30am – 8pm
Saturday: 9am – 5.30pm
Sunday: 10am – 5pm

About Allclear Travel

Allclear Travel is a multinational insurance company. The company was renamed from Fortis Holding in April 2010 and consists of these insurance activities remaining after the separation and sale of the financial services group Fortis throughout the financial meltdown of 2007-2010.

Allclear Travel Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8:30 am – 8:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Sunday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Products & Services

Travel Insurance

Also Read: Poundstretcher complaints email & Phone number

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Allclear Travel Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Allclear Travel , or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Allclear Travel directly. You can find complaint contact details for Allclear Travel above.

People Also Ask

Q: Where is Allclear Travel head office Address?
A: Redwing Court, AllClear House 1, Ashton Rd, Romford RM3 8QQ, United Kingdom.

Q: Who is the CEO of Allclear Travel Company?
A: Chris Rolland was CEO of Allclear Travel Company.

Q: What are Allclear Travel Business Hours?
A: Monday – Friday 8.30am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 5.30pm & Sunday was 10am to 5pm.

Q: What is the Email of Allclear Travel Company?
A: Email:


Allclear Travel Customer Complaints

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Allclear Travel
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Chester Russell

Excellent experience for a person with underlying medical issues. The phone guy was knowledgeable and kind. Excellent work! The pricing was also fair, and I received my policy documentation along with a pamphlet in a few days that included detailed information. Why aren't all businesses these days like this? Five stars!

 by Otis Richards

Outstanding value for the money! Considering his medical issues, I am very understanding of my husband's requirements. I was really pleased with my quote—much less expensive than my regular insurance. I'd strongly advise getting a quote for everyone. especially considering that all quotes are discounted by 20%. Excellent work, all clear!

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